Gotland. Is. Amazing. And home to an incredibly broad set of interesting entrepreneurs, businesses and products. Occasionally we take on sidequests in the PR world and try to place some of the amazing things we have on our lovely island in the German-speaking world where we’ve cultivated PR connections over many years.
This is an ongoing project – and the first in what we’re hoping will be a series of experiments with Gotlandic entrepreneurs and products that we love. The island has been so good to us – it’s only fair we’re good back to it.
Speaking of good: Hellström Gin. Made just up the road from the smuts office, it’s without a doubt one of the world’s greatest gins: delicious, organic, handmade and responsibly produced. It neeeeeeds a broader audience. Reason enough for us to approach Elisabeth Hellström (the youngest master distiller in the world, by the way) to offer a hand in getting some media placements in the German market with a particular view to getting HoReCa interested.

We’re only just getting started but the reactions have been great so far. Sorry Elisabeth – you might need to get a couple of extra pallets going…